Well.... it's complete! Behold the complete wheat dotee! You'll notice that the hair changed completely from the original sketch - I still haven't worked out how to do yarn hair! I think the bullion ringlets are cute though, even though she now looks like she is called Helga and should be serving beers part of Oktoberfest! I managed to salvage the face off the first dotee, only redoing the french knots (one was loose)
The wheat is a little off-center, and the bottom a bit crooked - but it doesn't really matter!
Complete, Helga measures 4"... she has a 2" long torso (1 1/4" wide) and the hanger & tail measure about 1" each. I decided that that was not itty bitty enough! I'm sure my swap partner wouldn't mind, but I'm sending her an even ittier bittier one too anyway. It was so much fun to make!
I stuck with the nature theme again. Meet Lady Dotee Bug!
She's made entirely of felt (the ladybug is from a novelty printed felt square) and is truly tiny! She was much quicker to sew up, and I used blanket stitch around the edges. And she has french knot cheeks!
So just how much smaller is she?
She's about 2 1/4" tall in total. Her torso is just under 1 1/2" long (3/4" wide), her hanger is 1/2" long and her tail is just over 1/4" long.
Unless you count the pseudo-dotee pig, these are my first dotees! :)
So what's next? Not a dotee! For my next swap I have to make a flower-person ATC... we'll see how that goes!
- Related post: Incoming: itty bitty dotee
Jen your Dotee Dolls are gorgeous... love the lady bug one!!! Tooooo cute for words.
LOVE the ladybug! She's just adorable! So cute!
Thanks guys! I must do some more dotee dolls sometime :) They're a well-sized project for a little "instant gratification" as you work on larger projects :)
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