I was despairing at the sorry state of the my desk drawers (read: procrastinating from work) this afternoon. I got the desk from an ex-housemate and the bottom panel had torn paper coating and was pretty filthy. The front panel (with the handle) also has a bad habit of half coming off whenever you open the drawer. So I took it off completely and set out to find some pretty paper to line it.
I didn't have any suitable paper in my stash, but I did find some plain brown paper. Thinking back to primary school days, I grabbed a potato, cut it in half and drew a pig on it. I then crudely cut the edges off from around it.
I taped the paper to the panel, grabbed some paint and stamped to my heart's content.

I had a little trouble sliding the bottom panel back in, as the paper made it a little bigger. But I eventually got it in, the bonus being that the tighter fit means the front bit no longer falls off!
I recommend you grab yourself a potato and give something new life... hopefully you have better drawing, cutting and stamping skills than me :D
Awesome!!! I love the creativaty!
This is a wonderful idea! It turned out great! I love your Matryoshka nesting dolls below too. They are really cute. :)
Thanks guys! I've since bought some lino & lino cutters, so a pig stamp is on my "to do" list :)
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