May 13, 2010

365 days. 365 items of clothing. 365 dollars.

{source: Marisa}

I've been following Marisa's "New dress a day" adventure for several months now, and I love the daily dose of inspiration. Her challenge is 365 days. 365 items of clothing. 365 dollars.
So here’s the deal friends, I’m going to be spending the entire year without doing an ounce of traditional clothing shopping.

Instead, the only shopping that I’ll be able to do is that of pieces that have been used and worn already. So long to mall trips and hello to sifting through piles of vintage pieces at flea markets and at neighborhood garage sales. Each day for the entire year, I’m going to introduce a new piece into my existing wardrobe that I’ve found from these places. On top of this, I’m giving myself a budget of $1 a day.

{source: Marisa}

Don't you just love the great before & after shots?

{source: Marisa}

I love that the alterations are simple. The majority of her work involves fixing holes, removing shoulder pads, bringing up hemlines, bringing down necklines, and bringing in the sides. Things that none of us should be afraid of!

{source: Marisa}

What did Marisa make of this dress? Click through to find out!

I've been meaning to interview Marisa, but it's taken me too long, and several other people have beaten me to the punch. If you're wanting to find out more about the project, such as when Marisa learned to sew, what she plans to do with the finished garments, how long the pieces take, etc., then head over to the following sites:
There was only one unanswered question left burning in my mind... What on earth was she going to do with all the left over shoulder pads?

{source: Marisa}

Marisa's reply?
Ooh, good burning question...well, when the pads fill up in that large jar, I'm going to have a little guessing contest with the readers which a few fun prizes will be given out. I've actually had people email me things that they've either done or have heard others do with old pads, so I think I'll be trying a few of those out. I've gotten everything from quilts to jackets to angels, so there will be lots of options.
I trawled the internet looking for ideas, and here's what I uncovered:
Anybody else have ideas for repurposing old shoulder pads?


Ruby Star said...

Hah, Iv'e been following her too, what she does is amazing! I haven't seen that pink number though. looks hot! Are you going to give it a try Jen? I'm seriously not brave enough...yet.

JenMeister said...

I'd love to give it a try! Not for a whole year or anything ;) But finding clothes for a dollar, even at an op-shop, is a challenge! Maybe I'll cheat, stay on the Morsbags train & make an old piece of clothing into a bag ;)

Ruby Star said...

too right, how expensive are our op shops? it's a bit sad when you have to shop around to find the cheap But that's a great idea about making them into bags!

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