I was prepared for the
8th International Morsbagging Sunday, organised by
I bag you, and had 26 kits cut and and ready to be sewn.

Here are the finished bags! The material is from 4 single sheets from my childhood. There wasn't quite enough for them all to have matching handles, so I decided that some of them would get one black handle which would then work into a design. Much like the
red lemur bag!

Next came the planning stage. This involved lots of quick sketches to get some inspiration. I ended up with 17 bags to stencil! So far, I've managed...

snake bag...

hanging monkey bag (with one skinny ankle)....

power cord bag (with sparks - first time I've used colour fabric paint)...

umbrella bag...

cat bag (I used
a photo to design this one, hence its realism)...

And last but not least, a
fatty fatty boombah bag. As you can see, realistic anatomy is not my strong point, unless copied from a photo!
There's a bit of go-go-gadget arm action happening there. And some cankles. And boy is that ape one fatty boombah. No more bananas for you!
Six down, eleven to go... If you have any ideas, please share!
Oh jen, they're terrific! I can't believe all the trouble you're going to! And how about a handle that's the 'cherry' on top of a cupcake - is that too wierd?
wow!! what a challenge you have ahead of you! Good luck!!
Your bags are great! Maybe handle can be a skipping rope?
ps. love the monkeyness, cankleness and and fatty boombaness of the bags!
They are so awesome - what a great idea. Don't put your pictures down, I would never have noticed the monkey's ankle if you hadn't said.
Just to let you know the bag I won, is still going very strong and apart from creases and a bit of day to day dirt it looks as good as new.
They are so awesome - what a great idea. Don't put your pictures down, I would never have noticed the monkey's ankle if you hadn't said.
Just to let you know the bag I won, is still going very strong and apart from creases and a bit of day to day dirt it looks as good as new.
Jen those bags are so clever, I love them! It must be hard to put your crafting stuff away and get down to the business of study.
All the best!!
wow! your bags are so imaginative... my favorite one is the umbrella bag, but also all the others are amazing... good job!
Thanks everybody for your support! I have some more to share soon.
Anna & Martta - thanks for your suggestions :D
DPM - I'll try! Glad to hear that the Morsbag is staying nice and strong!
Sandra - it is indeed. In fact, all my gear has already come back out, and two more stencilled bags made. On a different fabric though... I have been good since though, and packed it all back up again!
MTR - thanks, I still have a pile to get through, I do think simple often works best!
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